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Happy CoronaMas

Christmas gift
2GoBag Schwarz 12,5” laptop bag for business and sport

It is this time of year, where normally, projects are running late, over budget, and under-staffed, and everyone needs to push this extra mile to reach the final target. You, as a team leader, try to motivate your team, and show that you care. You want them to take time off and come back refreshed. But you really want the project done beforehand. The Christmas bonus would come handy here, in normal situations, but these are corona times, and there is nothing normal about them. It is probably better to keep people employed than to hand over bounces. You need them to work, so giving them time off is not going to help. How to show appreciation? In a recent study,  it was found that a simple personal thank you, would in fact be sufficient to raise moral, and get the team to feel appreciated.
A thank you note this year, could not come at a better time. It is almost free. If you want to accompany that with office Christmas decoration, and a well-thought out gift, it would increase loyalty. There are several ideas presented in various articles accompanied with several surveys describing what employees would wish for this year as a Christmas gift. My personal favourite is a physical gift that employees can use. This would leave a lasting impact and increase moral.
If you are in a leading position, this might be an opportunity to win back the loyalty of your team  after what they have been through in this pandemic corona year… it must be said, that it might just not work in all cases.
It is of course not a good idea if you are planning to lay people off in January….. 
Please like and share if you relate to this as an employee or a team-leader, possibly mentioning in the comment, what would you like to get from your boss for Christmas, or what are you thinking about gifting your team?